
Dr Priya Rajagopal

Dr Priya Rajagopal is an experienced Obstetrician & female gynaecologist in Melbourne.

Dr Priya offers comprehensive services for expectant mothers as well as for a wide range of women’s health issues.She is committed to providing quality care that every woman deserves through her compassionate, patient-centred and holistic approach.

As a female Obstetrician, Priya’s approach is to empower women, respect their uniqueness and support them in making informed decisions. Priya is well regarded by her patients and colleagues for her calm, composed nature and positive attitude.

Dr Priya’s services are located in Northern and Western Suburbs of Melbourne.


Northpark Private Consulting Suites, Cnr Plenty and Greenhills Rd, Bundoora, Vic-3083;

Epping Private Consulting Suites, 230 Cooper St, Epping, Vic-3076

Dr Priya is an accredited Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at St Vincent’s Private Hospital Werribee and offers services to Werribee, Pointcook, Tarneit and Wyndham area.

Location: 79 Morris Rd, Hoppers Crossing, Vic-3029.

#1 Gynaecologist



Creep Baby

 Membership Societies

Excellence in women health
Australian Menopause Society