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We Provide Safe, Family Friendly Pest Control Method


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Professional Treatments to Control your Pest Infestation!


Local Pest Control Teams in Canberra

Trusted Pest Control Company in ACT

Dealing with pests at home or work? Tom’s Pest Control in Canberra can help. Our team of pest control experts offers effective & affordable pest control services, from ants to birds, rodents to termites. We also provide preventive measures and tailor our treatment plans to your specific pest problem. With a 100% satisfaction guarantee and affordable quotes, we make the process stress-free. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get rid of pests for good.

Budget-Friendly Pest Control Solutions in Canberra

Do pests bother you? Tom’s Pest Control can help! Our experts handle all pests and create a custom plan to make your property pest-free. Our affordable pest control options are designed to accommodate any budget while delivering exceptional results and ensuring 100% satisfaction. Say GOODBYE to pests once and for all with Tom’s Pest Control.

When it comes to pest control Canberra prices, the cost can vary depending on the type of treatment required, you can expect pest control services to range from a couple of hundred dollars to a couple of thousand dollars.

For estimated pest control prices in Canberra, We will provide you FREE quotes. Need emergency services? Call us now!

Same Day Pest Control

Same Day Pets Control canberra

From just $119

The Most Affordable Pest Control Service

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Ant Treatment

Ant Control Canberra

From just $139

Full internal & external ant treatment

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Rodent Treatment

rodent control canberra

From just $199

Residential rodent treatment
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Affordable Pest Control Experts in Canberra ACT That Will Fit Your Budget

Protecting Homes and Businesses with our combined decades of experience. Our dedicated team of local professionals is committed to safeguarding Canberra homes and businesses from unwelcome pests. With a singular focus on protecting Canberra families, homes, and businesses, our mission is clear: to be the preferred pest control services in Canberra. For effective pest control near the Canberra region, look no further. We have a proven track record of successfully treating countless homes and businesses throughout our extensive history.

Canberra Pest Control Experts

At Tom’s Pest Control, we take pride in our work and back it up with a comprehensive guarantee. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring the complete eradication of your pest problem when we treat your home or business. If you’re within the specified warranty period and the issue persists, we will promptly re-treat the original site at absolutely no cost to you. Trust us to exceed your expectations and deliver reliable results. With our team of pest control experts, you can have full confidence in our promise—we guarantee it!

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Handling Wasp Infestations Safely During the Summer Months

In Canberra, pests like spiders, ants, cockroaches, and rodents are present year-round. Summers can be hot, making pests more active. Wasp infestations, especially European wasps, become a major hazard. It's important not to approach or treat a wasp nest yourself due to their aggressive nature. Seek professional help. Be cautious, as wasp stings can be painful and provoke allergic reactions. Effective pest management is crucial in Canberra's unique environment to ensure a pest-free home throughout the year.

Pest Control expert in canberra

Autumn Pest Awareness: Monitoring Common Pests in Canberra

During autumn in Canberra, pests like spiders, ants, European wasps, and rodents are still prevalent, albeit in reduced numbers compared to summer. It's important to remain vigilant and monitor these pests during this season. Look out for spider webs, ant trails, and signs of European wasp activity. Though pest populations may decrease, it doesn't mean your property will be pest-free until spring. Stay proactive in pest management to ensure a comfortable living environment throughout the autumn months.

Pest control near me

Winter Pest Awareness: Monitoring Common Pests in Canberra

During Canberra's winter, pests like spiders, ants, cockroaches, and rodents can be found indoors. Mice and rats are particularly common during this season. These rodents pose risks, including the spread of diseases and damage to electrical cables that can lead to house fires. It's crucial to be vigilant and monitor for pest activity to protect your home. Ensure proper pest control measures are in place to mitigate infestations and maintain a safe living environment during the winter months.

Exterminator canberra

Spring Pest Awareness: Monitoring Common Pests in Canberra

During spring in Canberra, pests like spiders, ants, earwigs, and bees become more active. Spider populations surge as gardens bloom and temperatures rise. Ants show increased activity, and earwigs become more noticeable. Bees also become a concern as late September and early October approach. Stay vigilant and monitor for these pests during the spring months in Canberra to maintain a pest-controlled environment.

Benefits of Hiring Tom’s Pest Control Canberra In ACT Area

Booking Tom’s Pest Control in the Canberra, ACT area has many benefits. Getting rid of pests can be hard, but our experts use safe and effective methods to keep your property pest-free. We inspect, treat, and give tips to prevent future infestations.

At Tom’s Pest Control, we prioritise both your family’s well being and your property’s protection. Our professional team utilises cutting-edge equipment and eco-friendly materials to efficiently and timely eliminate pests. Beyond pest removal, we provide valuable guidance on preventive measures. Trust us to meet all your pest control needs, you can contact us today and experience our exceptional services.

Why Hire Tom’s Pest Control For Pest Services

Hire Tom’s Pest Control in Canberra for fast and guaranteed pest control services. Depending on your pest issue, regular treatment, monitoring and keeping on top of things prevents pests from invading your property again and we use safe, eco-friendly products to target nests and colonies, ensuring a pest free guarantee and long-lasting results. Choose us for effective and reliable pest control services in Canberra.

Whether you need commercial pest control, solar panel bird proofing or termite control our team of pest control Canberra services can help keep your house free from pests! 

(02) 6105 9024

What Sets Tom’s Pest Control Apart?

Tom’s Pest Control offers same-day pest control services in Canberra with a professional approach. We inspect, identify, treat, prevent, monitor and follow-up to eliminate pests from your property. Our skilled and licensed Canberra pest control technicians use pet safe and eco-friendly products to ensure safety. We provide free inspections, transparent quotes and speedy, satisfactory service. With our expertise, you can expect a pest-free environment for your family or business.

Top-quality Safety

We work according to the industry standards and use non-toxic products to provide highly effective and safe pest control treatment in Canberra. We aim to keep your families and businesses protected from pests.

Licensed Pest Control Experts

Licensed & Skilled

Our pest control experts are highly qualified, licensed, and experienced in all the latest methods to eliminate pests from residential and commercial properties. Our technicians also work on preventing further infestation.

Free Inspection

An inspection of the property is an important part of our pest control services. We use advanced tools and equipment to identify the type of pest and its level of infestation. We offer free inspection prior to any service.

Spray cabinet

Fast & Transparent Service

We are committed to offering our clients quick, friendly, and professional pest control services. We offer upfront, obligation-free quote before you choose us. With our team, you will receive fast and affordable pest removal. 

Safe & Eco-friendly Treatment

At Tom’s Pest Control Canberra, we are committed to utilizing safe and eco-friendly products in order to establish a healthy living space for both your family and pets. Our pest control procedures are specifically designed with your protection in mind, ensuring complete safety for your home and business. We prioritize your well-being and security, providing unique solutions that are engaging and effective.

commercial spray
Building pest Inspection

100% Satisfactory Results

You can expect a 100% satisfactory outcome with our pest control treatment. Our tailored treatment plan for different types of pests ensures to deliver the results you need. We put all our efforts into providing exceptional customer care.

Contact us for Same Day Pest Control in Canberra

Need practical, affordable pest control in Canberra? Tom’s Pest Control offers same-day treatment. Our experts provide quick and safe solutions for long-term protection. Don’t let pests take control – contact us now.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are You Environmentally Friendly When It Comes To Pest Control?

Yes! We have offered eco-friendly and powerful pest control Canberra strategies for years. We have employed the most effective methods and get results through our IPM (Integrated Pest Management).

Our products are biodegradable and non-accumulative, so they don’t impact the environment. As a result, our pest control company has the highest reputation in Australia. We follow green principles. We use eco-friendly strategies and products that are derived from plants.

Non-target species do not harm predatory birds, reptiles, or pollinators like bees. We employ integrated pest management techniques and carefully select our products. You can also contact our pest expert.

How long do I have to leave the house after pest control?

In some cases, pest control chemicals can prove to be hazardous, but they are perfectly safe if used in the right way. We advise all customers to vacate the home or business area while we treat, and for 2 hours after the treatment. Treatments will usually dry colourless and odourless so not marks on your walls or furniture either. After this time it is perfectly safe to go back inside..

For those with breathing difficulties, elderly or frail, in pregnancy, or with newborns, we advise to allow up to 4 hours for everything to dry and settle, to be extra safe.

Make sure you are on site to meet the technician and explain to them your pest issues so they can provide the best service. After this you can leave us the key to lock up or wait nearby until we’re done. Super easy!

What Pest Control Methods Can You Use To Protect Your Home?

Both property owners and companies can be affected by bugs. They can damage your home and spread disease-causing bacteria. Pest control experts can offer risk-free solutions for removing these pests from your house.

Pests can come in all shapes and sizes. It is, therefore, vital to find a specialist in pest control for your problem. These are the solutions that our pest exterminators use:

  • Ant Pest Control
  • Bed Insect Treatment
  • Beetle Pest Control
  • Bird Control
  • Borer Pest Control
  • Roach Control
  • Flea Treatment
  • Fly Control
  • Fox Capturing
  • Mites Control
  • Insect Pest Control
  • Moth Control
  • Possum Elimination Strategies
  • Rat Control
  • Silverfish Treatment
  • Termite Control
  • Wasp Control Solutions
  • End Lease Pest Control
How Often Should I Hire Pest Management Companies?

Regular inspections of your house can help to prevent pest infestations. If pests aren’t treated regularly, they can become more severe. For around three months, pest control services have been less efficient. This makes us more vulnerable.

Tom’s Pest Control Canberra guarantees pest control for residential and commercial properties with our monthly services. Pest control experts with incredible knowledge will be available to help you spot potential pest problems and adjust your pest treatment plan.

It is possible that pests won’t be immediately apparent. Therefore, we will use eco-friendly methods to prevent pests, such as sprays or mousetraps that are pet friendly. This will help protect your home against pests all year.

Are My Pets And Loved Ones Safe To Use The Treatment Involving Chemicals?

Chemicals can cause damage to or even kill insects. Pesticides, herbicides that control weeds, fungicides that regulate fungi and mould, and rodenticides for controlling rats are some examples of chemicals. Flies, roaches, and insects are all family parasites.

Homeowners can purchase pesticides at their local shops and use them around the house. Although chemicals are often readily available, pesticides used around houses can be dangerous. They can be dangerous to the environment and customers’ homes, pets, and owners.

Hiring pest control professionals to help you get rid of bugs in your house or office is a smart idea. Pest control professionals are trained to safely use chemicals without causing harm to pets and their families. We prefer natural pest control.

What Can I Expect After The Pest Control Treatment Is Complete?

Many believe pest problems will disappear after an expert completes their pest control treatment. Unfortunately, expert pest control treatment can take up to 6 weeks to eliminate a pest infestation.

Your insects won’t die quickly. However, slower treatments can be more effective because insects could return to their nests unnoticed and take the nest out of the resource. As a result, pest problems at the source can be treated more efficiently and for a longer period.

You and your family will also be less exposed to chemicals. In certain cases, there won’t be an uneven, continuous application. However, it can also give bugs a chemical side that makes them harder to eradicate. This could pose a threat to your pets’ health as well as your family’s safety.

How Do You Make Your Home Pest-proof?

You can protect your home by customising your approach to pests such as termites, vermin, and vermin. Many pest control companies will give you a list of things to do before they arrive.

This includes removing all bedding and moving furniture away from walls. This includes cleaning out all commercial and residential properties. Follow these steps to avoid repeat invasions.

  • Note any pest areas.
  • Floor coverings should be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Clean up the mess
  • Fix any water leakages
  • Cookware and food should be stored.
  • Do not allow pets to be with you
  • Heavy, large furniture must be moved.

Pest control professionals may be the best option to solve your pest problem. Preparing well in advance will help you get the best price for your money. Organising your home in advance will help you keep your home safe and ensure the best pest control service.

What Do I Need To Do After The Treatment?

Depending on the type of treatment, our specialist will always give you advice for how to proceed after treatment. As a general rule it is advised to avoid deep cleaning right after the treatment, or mopping floors immediately. You can vacuum and brush  floors as usual, but we advise you to leave the treatment as long as possible around areas like the skirting boards or borders. The specialist can advise you, but a good rule of thumb is to allow 7-14 days before deep cleaning, the longer the better.

The treatments are designed to last as long as possible, this includes our warranty and we can give you specific instructions for keeping pests away and how soon you can clean after the treatment, once we’ve carried out the treatment.

Some pests like carpet moths we advise to steam clean carpets in between treatments, however some pests like spiders we would advise to leave the webs for a week or two so they come into contact with it. Always ask when you call us, if you’re not sure what to do before or after the pest treatment.


What do I do if I see pests after treatment?

Finding bugs in your home can be frustrating after spending much money on pest control. We understand this and want your home to be pest free as soon as possible too.

After treatment, it is perfectly normal to see pests for a few days after, while the treatment takes effect. It can drive pests out of their hiding places and you might find dead ones around, as they encounter the chemical. Simply brush or wipe them up, without disturbing the treated areas.

We advise all customers to wait for 14 days after the treatment, for it to take full effect. However, sometimes it does happen that pests are resilient and need a bit more work. If you’re still having pest issues within the warranty period, give us a call and we can get someone out to inspect and retreat the property, completely free. 

What's The Difference Between A Pest Control Specialist And An Exterminator?

Specialists and pest control professionals aim to eliminate insects from homes and offices. Pest control is about long-lasting, efficient, and sustainable solutions. Therefore, pest control professionals are more inclined to use chemical pesticides to eradicate pests. However, these methods may be temporary.

It takes a while to find the cause of the pest problem and determine the best solution. Therefore, pest control organisations are more forward-looking than pest control operators and focus on solving pest problems.

Pest control experts recommend spraying pesticides or blowing them out to get rid of them. Tom’s Pest Control Canberra can eliminate termites economically and sustainably. It will eradicate your pest problem permanently with its safe and affordable treatments for pests and children.

Is it safe to use around children and pets?

Treatments are designed to eliminate pests, so it’s important to be mindful when you have pets or young children in the house. This is why it’s best to use a qualified professional, so you know the concentration and application are safe. We give you advice before booking, when we arrive at the premises and for when we’ve left. So you know you’re in good hands and can trust us to keep you safe and pest free. 

We will always discuss this with you before booking and the pest control expert can give you specific advice on the day, when they’ve seen your home. We advise everyone (that’s people and pets) to vacate the property during the treatment and for 2 hours afterwards. Some treatments like bird proofing or rodent baiting, you can stay inside the house as there are no spray treatments involved.

Hiring pest control professionals is always the best idea to help you get rid of bugs in your house or office, if you’re wanting safe pest control in Canberra. Pest control professionals are trained to safely use chemicals without causing harm to pets and their families and we prefer residentially safe and eco friendlypest control.

How soon do pests die after the pest control treatment?

While most treatments are designed to act fast and have a “knock down” effect on many pests, we do always suggest to allow up to 2 weeks for the treatment to take it’s full effect.

This gives enough time for pests to come into contact with the treatments and even take the chemicals back to their nest, which eliminates the problem at the source. 

When you choose our pest control Canberra services, we will always explain our pest free guarantee and what measures you need to take to keep your home pest free and benefit from our fantastic warranty. So you can rest easy knowing we’ll take care of the issue for you.



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Contact Us To Get Professional Pest Control

You can control and prevent the damages caused by these nasty pests to your property by hiring Canberra’s professional and affordable pest control services. When you notice any sign of pest infestation in and around your property, call us at (02) 6105 9024. We ensure to make your property pest-free and completely safe to live in.

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