06/06/2013 The iPhone 5 is great in pretty much every aspect, but battery life continues to be an issue for some despite its slightly larger battery than the iPhone 4S. To extend the battery life of your iPhone 5, you only need to change some settings of your iPhone. The biggest battery consumers are the screen display, push notifications and wireless connections such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. We have listed the most effective ways, and take you step-by-step through the different methods of how to extend your iPhone 5's battery life. Follow these tips and tricks and make yiour use of the iPhone 5 more enjoyable.
1. Adjust screen brightness
Although iPhone 5 uses a high-resolution Retina screen which make it amazing. But the better and brighter of the screen, the faster batterydrained. So in in order to get more battery life, lower the screen brightness to minimum level that you can comfortably use.. Go to Settings > Brightness & Wallpaper > Adjust the Brightness level. And turn on Automatic Brightness. Turn Auto-Brightness on and you'll save battery because your screen will need to use less power in dark places.
2. Disable all wireless connectivity when not in use
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, 3G, and 4G LTE consumes a lot of power especially the device keeps looking for an active connection. But when you don't need the technology, turning this setting off saves some battery life. Go to Settings > Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. For 3G and 4G, go to Settings > General > Cellular > Disable LTE. To disable GPS, go to Settings > Privacy > Switch off Location Services.
3. Turn Off Location Services
One of the coolest features of the iPhone is its built-in GPS. This allows your phone to know where you are and give you exact driving directions, give that information to apps that help you find restaurants, and more. When your iPhone needs to grab your current location using the GPS chip, battery life can be seriously deteriorated by this power-hungry chip. If you aren't using it, then turn off Location Services for all applications by visiting Settings > Privacy > Location Services, and flipping the Location Services switch to "Off."

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