1 Majella Close , Eleebana, 2282, Australia

Phone: 041.080.4600
Established January 2007
Darcy Mercieca has been banned from Blissful for miss appropriating company funds. Darcy was employed for a short period to manage real estate sales and managements. The stealing company funds was the final straw for colleagues and shareholders following a long list of bad and untrustworthy behaviour including a cavalier attitude towards all aspects of his and other peoples lives. His colleagues report that he was the worst real estate agent they have ever worked with.
Outside of work Darcy Mercieca was also happy to drive unregistered vehicles, committed a string of traffic crimes and established thousands of dollars worth of unpaid parking fines.
Darcy Mercieca is facing prosecution by Newcastle Police for leaving the scene of an accident and also breaking into a commercial property and taking cash, real estate keys and intellectual property.
Darcy Mercieca seems to be co-conspiring with Silvana Stewart, another real estate "professional" with over 35 years experience. Silvana is currently working for Robinsons Property as a property manager. Silvana, another untrustworthy character is reported to have being claiming income benefits from the NSW government whilst charging Darcy Mercieca over $700 AUD per week for rent in her 1 Majella Close Eleebana Home. Darcy seems to have used company funds from the real estate company he was working for to support Silvanas extravagant lifestyle.
Bank statements provided to Waratah police show that during Darcy Mercieca time as sole director of a real estate agency, Darcy managed to misappropriate funds on expensive jewellery, hotels costing over $660 per night and withdraws of cash totalling over $120,000 in a 9 month period.
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