Apogee Financial Planning to Pay $163,000
By FDLegal
Ms T brings this complaint in her personal capacity and in her capacity as the director of the corporate trustee of her self-managed superannuation fund, the W SMSF (the complainants).
Ms T says an advisor of Apogee Financial Planning Limited provided her with inappropriate personal financial advice in March 2017 to establish the W SMSF and roll over her existing superannuation funds into the W SMSF. She says this was for the purpose of investing in a property development syndicate. Ms T acted on the advice and invested $90,000 which was rolled over from existing superannuation funds to her SMSF. Unknown to Ms T, the advisor’s brothers were involved with the property syndicate, thus creating a conflict of interest.
Apogee Financial Planning denies the advisor recommended either that Ms T establish an SMSF or use it to invest in the property syndicate. It says the advisor only recommended the rollover of superannuation which was appropriate to achieve Ms T’s intent to invest in the property syndicate. Learn more
If you believe you've received bad financial advice and would like to discuss your experience with us, reach out to our expert legal team. We are committed to ensuring our clients receive the best possible advice and guidance on their situation, especially in financial matters. You can contact us online, call us at 1300 433 533 or email us at enquiry@fdlegal.com.au.
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We are experts in compensation claims against financial advisors. We represent investors who have suffered financially as a consequence of receiving poor financial advice.All of our financial advice claims are personally handled by partners and senior lawyers who offer extensive experience in a wide…