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Level 7, 1 Margaret Street, Sydney, 2000, Australia

Phone: 316-366-7437

Email HeavenAddress

About HeavenAddress

Established February 2010

HeavenAddress is a respectful online community and helpful resource to help people during the difficult time of losing a loved one. The HeavenAddress dream was established in Australia in 2009 and acquired by world leading Digital Legacy platform - Memories. Losing a loved one can be an extremely difficult and stressful time, especially when you have to make funeral arrangements while ensuring we honor their expressed wishes. HeavenAddress provides helpful resources to people in need across the world to assist with funeral planning and dealing with grief and loss. We also provide access to the right channels and platforms to inform friends and family about the funeral service and remembering them in a way that keeps them in our memories forever. We also help people find the physical memorial location of their loved ones with simple on-site search functionality. HeavenAddress continues to serve families in all corners of the world in a respectful environment where memories last forever and play an integral role for the people of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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