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 Australia Business Directory
Letragrafic Signs - Neon Signage Melbourne Australia

36 Colby Drive, Belgrave Heights, Melbourne, 3160, Australia

Phone: (03) 9754 4205

Fax: (03) 9754 2215

Email Letragrafic Signs - Neon Signage Melbourne Australia

About Letragrafic Signs - Neon Signage Melbourne Australia

Established January 1985

Neon signs are an extremely adaptable and striking type of lighting display that’s ideal for signposting your business, generating foot traffic and adding a little pizazz to any venue.
Our handmade neon signs are constructed by bending glass tubes into letters, shapes and other fully customisable architectural structures, which are then filled with inert gas. When a power efficient, high-voltage electrical current flows through the gas, the tubes glow, emitting a coloured light of your choosing.
Our Products and Services included:
1. Neon Signs.
2. Indoor and Outdoor Signs.
3. Graphic Design.
4. Professional Installation.
5. Signage Maintenance Services.
6. Signage Repairs.
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