Level 20, 300 Queen Street, Brisbane, 4000, Australia

Established May 2017
Mathews Tax Lawyers is a dedicated tax law practice.
What we can do for you
Our highly experienced Legal Practitioner Director can assist you with your tax problem wherever you are in Australia.
We can help if you are:
• an accountant or lawyer seeking advice on a complex tax issue or a second opinion
• a business owner, private group, family office or high wealth individual faced with a tax audit or requiring tax effective structuring advice, or tax advice on a discrete issue
• a company, partnership or trust needing tax advice or assistance with an ATO review or audit
• an individual not sure how to comply with the tax law
We provide commercial and practical tax advice in a way that you can easily understand.
We will represent you fearlessly to protect your rights. We are experts in identifying the key tax issues and dealing with them quickly.
Why choose us
Our Legal Practitioner Director has over 30 years experience in dealing with all aspects of tax, tax audits and tax disputes with the ATO.
With a diverse background - as a tax barrister, at senior levels of the ATO, at “Big 4” accounting firms, with private and government tax legal practices - our Legal Practitioner Director has the knowledge, understanding and expertise to assist you to finalise your tax problem legally and efficiently.
We will work co-operatively with you to provide a range of options and help you to resolve your tax issue quickly.
The range of tax advisory and advocacy services we offer covers all Commonwealth taxes including:
• income tax
• capital gains tax (CGT)
• goods & services tax (GST)
• employments taxes - FBT, PAYG
• superannuation tax issues
• business tax issues – including trusts, unpaid present entitlements, Division 7A, CGT “small business concessions” and roll-overs
• penalties, general interest charge, shortfall interest charge
We can help you with:
• effective structuring, tax advice and opinions
• seeking a private ruling from the ATO
• ATO Audit representation & negotiation
• objecting to ATO decisions
• resolving tax disputes, negotiating settlements, tax litigation – appealing ATO decisions and assessments to the AAT or Federal Court
• tax payment arrangements and proposals
• obtaining remission of tax penalties and interest
Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation
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