06/13/2013 3D printing is a hard concept to grasp at first. It’s NOT your current 2D printer printing an image on a piece of paper!
The best way to describe it is to think of an Inkjet printer; going left to right, forwards and backwards, but now add up and down to create a three dimensional object by placing successive layers of material on top of each other to create the object.
This 3D printing technology is integrated with 3D image files, like
CAD files to create 3D design. By using laser technology you first scan
an object, and we now have the ability to print a clone of that exact
object. The 3D printer can already be found in a lot of ‘Research &
Development’ companies for the re-creation of a prototype after making
adjustments, or just to re-make the prototype to send to another
division or team.
3D printing is a preferred option for prototypes; because often the
cost is cheaper than to re-create the original prototype. Factor in the
man hours for the rebuild, the cost of engineers making and overseeing
the product being built, add the materials – time is money and 3D
printing saves a lot of it.
With 3D printing, you simply scan the prototype and print
from 3D image to the 3D printer, hours later you have an exact
replication to the smallest detail.
3D printing works by using a CAD file – a 3D image design in which
the object is sliced into many layers, and by printing layer over layer
with the special material, the object is created. However, 3D printing
is so far limited to plastics, but likely to expand into more materials
as time and research develops further.
Many industries to date have been using this technology; jewelry,
footware, industrial design, architecture, engineering and construction,
automotive, aerospace, dental, and medical fields. Biotechnology
companies and universities have been doing investigative research, using
3D printing and material for use in tissue engineering, were organs and
bones could be created by being 3D printed and placed into humans
saving lives. Imagine car wreck survivors needing bone replacements,
burn victims requiring skin tissue – simply 3D print the part and a
replacement is available.
Looking into the future, many scientists see 3D printing in health
systems; imagine having a full body image scan of you, being saved to a
CAD file of sorts, and if required by some unfortunate means you require
a replacement body part, Doctors are then able to print your exact same
healthy organ to maybe save your life. What this means, is no searching
for compatible donors, saving hospital funds and effort, but most
importantly getting you on the track to recovery in less than a day.
Other industries could benefit or totally change how things are done
by this 3D printing technology, take toy manufacturers for example.
Rather than paying large sums of money for what is just a piece of
plastic, you pay for the CAD file, and 3D print the toy using your very
own home version of a 3D printer. This means children who were exactly
like me, and love to destroy things to ‘investigate’ i.e break things,
you could just simply re-3D print the toy again from the CAD file. The
same methodology could be used for spare parts from broken items such as
white goods, kitchen items, virtually anything. At this very moment, my
mind is running through the joys of not having to wait weeks for spare
parts to be shipped. All you do is simply print the part and hours later
you have what you need. In the future, it may not even take hours!
At this stage what I’ve explained is very far off, due to the limited
materials available which can be “printed” and the challenge and cost
of creating these materials. Another huge negative I can foresee is
piracy. In the digital world, files such as CAD can be pirated on the
internet, allowing you to download the newest and latest toys and other
material, possibly reducing the incentive for manufacturing giants to
keep investing in R&D.
But lets keep our hopes up! The music industry is still profitable
through companies such as Apple and Amazon and the many others which
have made music freely available or cheaper to download, have
revitalized the industry with their online stores.

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