9/440 Collins St, Melbourne, Melbourne, 3000, Australia
About Painting Pros
Established January 2013
Painting Pros is a company that specialises in painitng of houses in the Melbourne area whether that be inside or outside jobs big or small. Free Quotes
Paiting Pros can also do wall papering as well as some small preparation plaster work tht is prepartion for actually painting the wall and if there is any small exterior work that is needed then Painting Pros in most cases but not all but most will be able to undertake those works as well although if unalbe to can easily put you on to a suitable contractor
Paiting Pros can also do wall papering as well as some small preparation plaster work tht is prepartion for actually painting the wall and if there is any small exterior work that is needed then Painting Pros in most cases but not all but most will be able to undertake those works as well although if unalbe to can easily put you on to a suitable contractor
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