11 Queens Rd, Melbourne, 3004, Australia
![Secured Signing](http://cdn.zipleaf.com/img/7q5yjic3cyh7.png)
Established January 2009
Secured Signing Business is a WEB application, Software as a Service that is based on trusted Digital Signature, PKI technology. The service enables a registered user to create a unique private key for signing, add a document to the service, sign it digitally, invite invitees with a witness if required and send the signed document to parties involved. Anyone who took part in the signing process or has received the signed document will be able to verify signature(s) on their desktop or by using our Online Verification service.
Secured Signing service offers the following products:
I Sign - Enables the registered user to add a document to the service, sign it digitally and send singed document online to other party/parties.
We Sign - Enables the registered user to add a document to the service, sign it digitally, configure signing workflow (optional) and send an invitation to party/ies involved in the signing process. Some documents will require witnessing to the signing process. This service provides an option for the invitee to send an invitation by email to a witness. The witness will then be able to register free and digitally sign the document.
Form Filler - Completing and signing forms are daily routine for many businesses. With Form Filler solution a registered user is able to fill in any form and sign it or invite 3rd party to fill in and sign with just mouse and keyboard.
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