Life Coaching by Emily Woodward

The Gentle Life Coach

Why the gentle life coach? This name emerged from feedback from the wonderful people who trust me as their coach. They value gentle guidance as they discover the wonderful possibilities for their lives.

Longing for a life you would love ?

Longing to reconnect to purpose, to what lights you up?  Longing to confidently move towards to a more fulfilling life?  Beginning to doubt  that it is even possible for you?  Let's talk about ways I can support you in discovering a happier, purpose-filled life.

Vision Workshop - 3 Keys to a life you love

 Vision Workshops

Finding the path to your dreams

A 1 hour live Workshop over Zoom

3 Keys to quickly move toward a life you love with purpose and confidence.

“Right now, you're standing at the doorway to your greatest life. It's time to seek out your destiny. It's time to see and achieve one dream after another with a clear-headed and confident stride... no matter how big you might think that dream to be.”

— Emily Woodward

3 Days to a Stronger You Challenge.

Join up and I’ll email you a task each day for the next 3 days that will put you on the right track to standing firm when your life is shaking.

This a gentle process you can participate in in the comfort of your own home in your own time and I’ll be just a click away if you need support.

Privacy Policy:

Your information will not be used or shared with 3rd parties. You will NOT be bombarded with useless marketing and annoying collateral. This service is only for people wishing to improve their lives and become more motivated toward their dreams.

“I learned so much from Emily. My limiting beliefs were stopping me from living a life filled with happiness and purpose. I now wake up with a new sense of looking forward to the day.”

— Eve D.

“Going though the Life Mastery course with Emily as our guide has been wonderful.  My husband and I have been working through the course together and it has enhanced our conversations about our future greatly.  Emily has gently guided us through difficult topics and given us the extra push we needed at times to breakthrough to a next step.  She has gone beyond just the teachings to help us determine our individual and joint goals and supported us both along the way.  I think this should be required teaching for everyone as it really makes you hone in on what you want in life and helps you set up the foundations for how to get there.  If you do the work, you will get the results!” 

— Dawn, Missouri, United States

Emily, I count you as one of my shining lights. That miraculous day on the other side of the world when we happened to meet. What are the chances! I am so very grateful to say you are one of my mentors. You are every bit a living testimony to believing and being your best you. To elevating, empowering and enhancing those who are clever and lucky enough to call you their coach and friend. Thank you beautiful soul. I consider my life all the more richer for you being in it! 

— Kris, Victoria, Australia

“Emily brings with her work an exuberance of life lived from love for her fellow human beings. We have woven our way through all the elements of Life Mastery and have looked progressively deeper into the connection of our humanness and spirituality. The result has been an expectation of daily showers of miracles and un-thought of opportunities through living inside out. Thank you, Emily.”

— Isabella Botha, Kent, UK

“Emily invited me to take part in her short course "Standing Firm When the World is Shaking" in April 2020, and I am SO glad I said yes! This was right at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic and worldwide lockdown, a time when life was just chaos.
My weekly video calls with Emily were not only therapeutic and very enjoyable, but also practical because they helped me to feel more grounded in day to day life, to be mentally stronger and to look at this crazy set of circumstances with a fresh perspective.”

— Emily F., Vale of Leven, Scotland