By Workplace Assessment - JobFit
Manual Handling Videos
When an employee joins a company he or
she wants to work in a safe environment where they are comfortable and
there are negligible chances of job related injuries. If such a safe
environment is provided the employees are encouraged to work more
effectively and increase the productivity of the company. Jobfit has
been a major provider of safety services and courses for a safe
workplace. Workplace safety can be implemented by the following means:
What is Safety Training Videos?
Safety training videos are an essential part of workplace safety. By watching and understanding the tactics and tricks shown in the safety training video
an employee can save himself/herself from job related injuries. Such
videos are made by qualified professionals who have a thorough
knowledge. Such videos are a crucial part of the workplace safety
About Manual Handling Videos:
Manual handling involves the use of
manual labour or physical exertion to carry, empty, lower, fill or lift
heavy loads. There are chances of injury if the employee is not provided
with proper manual labour training. Manual handling video
is an effective means to provide potential information to the employee
about risks and hazards involved in the manual handling process. Manual handling video
also provides the employee with specific skills and knowledge to
prevent injuries during work and it is quite evident that a video is
more effective than a learning assignment.
Manual Handling Risk Assessment:
Manual handling risk assessment is
an important part of a safety training program of a workplace. It is a
basic safety measure which everyone needs to be aware of and trained in
properly. It involves the assessment of all manual handling tasks which
may prove dangerous to the safety of the employee. Manual handling risk assessment
is all about techniques, skills and tricks to assess the risk involved
in the manual handling task. It decreases the chances of injuries to
workers and keeps the workplace healthy.
Ergonomic Assessment:
Ergonomics can be described as the
science of designing a workplace keeping in mind the capabilities and
limitations of an employee. Ergonomic assessment allows an individual to quantify risk factors and determine if safety measures should be put into action or not. Using ergonomic assessment tools successfully increases the productivity of the company.
Ergonomic & Workplace Assessment by
11 Homestead Ln,
Mt Martha VIC 3934
Ph: 0359770222 / 0414873401

Job Fit is an organisation that is recognised for providing innovative and professional health, safety and fitness services. We have strong experience in the laundry, hospital, cleaning, manufacturing, and warehousing sectors. However we do provide our services to all industry.With our qualification…
Workplace assessment can be described as the process of evaluating
Many things are included in workplace assessment
Why workplace assessment is essential for freshers
Why Manual Handling Training is important nowadays
Why Manual Handling Training is important in our life
Things to know about Ergonomic Assessment
Significance of workplace assessments
Significance of Manual Handling Training within the Workplace
Significance of ergonomic assessment
Rising demands of Manual Handling training
How to implement workplace assessment into real world
How manual handling videos are important
How ergonomic assessment is beneficial to your business
Growing Demands of Manual handling Training
Benefits of manual handling risk assessment
Advantages of ergonomics training