By Workplace Assessment - JobFit
06/17/2015 Manual handling training helps to enhance the employees to ask for help when they are under some kind of trouble while completing a specific job. Each and every employee in an organization performs the task up to the level of its capabilities. If you force any employees to do extra work beyond his/her capabilities would definitely affect the environment of the workplace. It's better for the management of the organization to incorporate active training session for the employees, who are new and can really prove beneficial for the company, if nourished well. Manual handling training includes, disposal of hazardous chemical, fire evacuation, basic first aid, prevention of accident and some other important issues.
The main objective of the organization should be making proper arrangement of the training for the employees, who desperately need it. It will help to increase the ability of the employee to protect and improve their own and others' health at work and outside work. If the company doesn't have the adequate resources to organize Manual handling training, then must hire a company that will provide their employees best training.
Importance of Manual Handling Training:
With the help of manual handling training employees can understand the lifting aids to use and the proper way to push a heavy load without putting strain on your back.
It encouraging the employees to push a load rather than pulling to prevent their back and muscles from injury.
It helped the employee to take better safety protection at the time of working and keep them aware of the latest office ergonomic practices.
In the workplace develop a positive health and safety environment.
Be careful that your employees do not get wounded or become ill due to the kind of work they are doing.
To fulfill your moral responsibility to give first aid training to the employees.
To avoid further accidents.
Increase awareness of the employees about the warning signs which noise levels are at unusually high decibels and the necessary steps to take to avoid further exposure.
Regular manual handling training in an organization can ensure the safety and well being of all the employees and staff members.
This training not only apply for the work who works in an environment that require a lot of heavy lifting equipments, but also to other activities including pushing, pulling or anything that uses force. Nobody particularly likes to perform it, but it is important not just to protect employees from physical injury, but to protect businesses from the potential crippling financial fallout of such an injury to an employee. Employees can utilize these skills, whether in workplace or somewhere else.
Jobfit - Ergonomic Assessments
PO Box 519, Patterson Lakes, VIC 3197
Phone 0359770222
Mobile 0414873401

Job Fit is an organisation that is recognised for providing innovative and professional health, safety and fitness services. We have strong experience in the laundry, hospital, cleaning, manufacturing, and warehousing sectors. However we do provide our services to all industry.With our qualification…
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