12/17/2012 Restricted master key systems are all the rage today when it comes to
workplace security. Before calling any of the locksmiths Sydney has to
offer, it’s a good idea to learn as much as possible about the system to
see if it’s a good match for your business needs. Not all businesses
will find this to be a suitable option. However, there are a few
potential bonuses you might want to consider before you decide to kick
this particular key plan to the curb.
Get Rid of the Key Search
Do you feel like you should carry the nickname “keeper of the keys?”
Are you the man (or woman as the case may be) who’s is constantly
weighted down by the sheer number of keys you’re carrying around for
work? Are you always being called upon to allow people into certain
areas of the job site?
Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could have one key that was coded to
allow that person into only the areas he or she was supposed to be in?
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get rid of the giant key ring once and
for all and only be responsible for one key to navigate through various
access points in your business?
Guess what?
You can! What’s even better is that you’ll no longer need to rekey the entire office when one employee leaves. You’ll only need to deactivate that one key.
Gone are the days of sifting through and endless ring of keys that
all look just like the others in order to find the one key you need.
Gone are the days of handing out multiple keys to multiple employees and
trying to keep up with which employee has which keys.
Now business owners or managers can restrict access to certain areas
on a key by key basis rather than handing out additional keys with
additional responsibilities and/or privileges at work. You can also be
assured that people aren’t getting into the areas they aren’t supposed
to go either.
Other benefits you might discover as part of the process include
increased productivity as employees aren’t wasting valuable time sorting
through mountains of keys at every new door or access point, the
knowledge that employees have the necessary keys to get where they need
to go, and improved safety because you no longer need to rekey or change
locks every time an employee leaves for greener pastures.
Interested in this solution? Talk to us; we can help you.

Abbott Locksmiths is a leading locksmith company servicing all of Sydney. Available 24 hours a day in case of emergency. Call us today on 1300 655 787. We can cater for all your lock, safe and security needs be it residential or commercial and offer everything from quick, reliable and profes…
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