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Floor stripping

3 more results for Floor stripping

Total Defit & Demolition

Ashmore Queensland, Australia
Total Defit & Demolition
Total Defit and Demolition are reputable demolition contractors in Brisbane. We provide our services to: retail, industrial and other commercial clients. When it comes to commerical defits, having walls or furniture removed, rubbish removal, floor stripping and ceilings removed, we are the specialis…

Totally Stripped - Floor Strippers Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney

Gold Coast, Australia
Totally Stripped is a renowned floor stripping company that operates along Australia's east coast, that only uses the best equipment. We also have the top dust extraction machines where these are required to reduce dust. Floor stripping is often a dusty task so we effectively vacuum and sweep floors…

Stripped EZE

Queensland, Australia
Stripped Eze offers floor removal services and commercial and residential strip-outs throughout the Gold Coast and Brisbane areas. Our skilled team of professionals use high quality equipment to efficiently remove all types of flooring to make room for renovation and restoration projects…