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By Glide Print



A graphic of the five senses
1. Use some sense. Sight, sound, smell, taste and touch have more of an impact than words or pictures on a page because they engage a part of the brain other than our conscious thought processes. These are primordial, we respond without thinking. Add scent to your marketing products, use the psychology of colour to create a response, include an element that feels nice such as velvet and raised print or utilise the qualities of a mouth-watering food to create desire.

A typical Millennial saying. 'Wow!'
2. Do something different. You see so much information about how to market effectively that we’re saturated with the same message, and it’s what everyone’s doing. Putting two unconventional elements together can make you stand out from the throng – like sending a postcard to the demographic that is the highest user of digital media, Millennials. Direct mail takes less effort to absorb than digital and has nearly double the recall. Making a connection no one’s done before excites the imagination, which gets you attention.

An example of creative packaging
3. Reward. The human brain is wired to engage more and feel more satisfaction if it has to discover something for itself. Products or a message in packaging that opens in a creative way to reveal a surprise is going to be liked and remembered more than one delivered in a familiar way. Be surprising. Instead of sending out the standard three-fold brochure, use one of the massive array of interesting folds and die-cut designs to create a vehicle that does more than just deliver your message.
Be fearlessly authentic
4. Be real. The latest research all points to a desire for authenticity in the marketplace. You have a great product, right? Tell your customers about it – in straight forward, honest language that sounds like an actual person is talking. Oversell is out. Real people are in. Communicating your passion for your product is a fast way to get your customers on side. If you love it, they’ll lean in to see why.
A gold foil business card
5. Quality matters, a lot. If your printed marketing materials are low quality, consumers are going to assume that your products are too. Ever noticed that a highly paid person usually has a flash-looking business card? You may be surprised at how little extra they’ve paid to tell you how good their services are. That little bit more won’t make a big difference to your marketing budget but it will make a huge difference to how you’re perceived. Use the add-ons like a heavier paper stock, gold foil, a printed envelope, a professionally designed data sheet instead of the one you knocked up in the office, or a recycled paper to show you’re doing your bit for the environment. That first impression is the big one, make it count.
A thumbs up with a smiley face drawn on the thumb
6. Attention is persuasion. Effective attention to your marketing equates to purchasing persuasion. The longer you can keep them, the more likely they are to buy. That’s why the clever packaging, the intriguing delivery, the great story, are all effective. Research by Harvard Business School Associate Professor, Thales Teixeira, sees him conclude that attention as a commodity is either purchased or earned. Creativity creates earned attention, so go the extra step by investing in professional creative services and use the experts for your marketing products.
Glide Print, we’re your print solution.

About This Author

Glide Print

Glide Print

From business cards to banners, presentation folders to posters, variable data to vehicle wraps, Glide Print manage the whole process with our famous personal and professional print service. Just send us your specifications and we'll take care of everything until your order is on your desk. W…

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