By Market Ease Business Promotions
New algorithm updates
from Google continues to stir the web community. Due to the rising complexity
of search engine optimisation, many businesses are turning to SEO consulting
firms like Market Ease Business Promotions to help them stay on top of search
engine results.
Google recently released the 20th version of the
Panda update along with their Exact Match Domain (EMD) update. However, they
did not mention the new Panda update when they announced the EMD update. This
caused confusion among webmasters whose website rankings had been affected
although they did not use exact match domains.
The newest Panda update impacts 2.4% of English search
queries, and the EMD update affects 0.6% of English search queries. However,
those updates were not the only ones that Google has recently made. In fact,
they make updates everyday, resulting in about 500 changes to the search
algorithm a year.
Google did not announce their newest Panda update when they
announced their EMD update. Some webmasters were puzzled as they saw Google
lower their website rankings despite the fact that they did not use exact
matches in their domains. Now that Google has announced the new Panda update,
the confusion has been cleared, exonerating the EMD update of wrongful blame
from webmasters.
Google has tried to be more transparent about their updates
since the original Panda update was made. They did this by releasing monthly
lists of updates that they had made in the previous month. Recently, however, there
has been a delay in the publication of their list. They have been leaving the
web community waiting as they wait two months before publishing their list of
Why is Google updating their search algorithms so
aggressively? According to Matt Cutts, the aim of the updates is to help
eradicate low quality sites from showing up in prominent places in search
engine results. However, Google’s view of what constitutes quality is subjective,
and hard for most small and medium businesses (SMEs) to gauge. Many of these
businesses do not have the staff on hand to keep up with Google’s constant
changes. As a result, they turn to SEO consulting firms to help their business
websites stay visible in search results.
Market Ease Business Promotions is one of the SEO firms
helping SMEs successfully navigate the changing search algorithm to stay on top
of search results. Binh An Nguyen, CEO of Market Ease, refers to the algorithm
updates as a curve ball and explains their impact on businesses. “These curve
balls take time to overcome even for businesses that have been keeping up with
their SEO efforts. Businesses that haven’t been keeping up can find themselves
months behind when they return to their SEO duties—not to mention the time they
lose trying to figure out what they should do differently than before,” said
Mr. Nguyen.
About Binh Nguyen and
Market Ease Business Promotions
Binh is the founder and CEO of Market Ease Business
Promotions Pty Ltd., a company dedicated to helping small to medium sized
enterprises succeed online. He is currently helping dozens of business owners
generate a flood of leads and acquiring an avalanche of sales to their firms
through the power of the internet. His clients range from all over Australia,
New Zealand, US and in the UK. In the last 4 years, Binh has helped several
multi-million dollar companies in Australia sell millions of dollars worth of
products online.
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Market Ease Business Promotions

Market Ease Business Promotions is a website design and marketing company, specialising in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Internet Marketing. We provide various online marketing services.Inquiries: Phone: 1300 662 990Fax: 1300 305 335 Mobile: 0411 127 873 Website:…
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