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 Australia Business Directory
Opportunity International Australia

Level 4, 220 George Street, Sydney, 2000, Australia

Phone: 02 9270 3300

Fax: 02 9270 3399

Email Opportunity International Australia

About Opportunity International Australia

Established January 1979

Head office: Sydney
Street Address: Level 4, 220 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Postal Address: GPO Box 4487, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 02 9270 3300
Fax: 02 9270 3399

Street Address: Level 5, 105 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC3000
Phone: 0416 420 188

Street Address: Park Tower, 20 Pidgeon Close, West End Qld 4101
Postal Address: PO Box 1760, Milton BC, Qld 4064
Phone: 07 3335 3388

Western Australia
Ant Clark
Partnerships Manager
Phone: 0422 939 200
Postal Address: PO Box 120, Bayswater, WA 6933

South Australia
Ant Clark
Partnerships Manager
Phone: 0422 939 200
Postal Address: PO Box 120, Bayswater, WA 6933

Opportunity International Australia provides people living in poverty with the opportunity to transform their lives. Offering a hand up rather than a hand-out, we use a sustainable approach to solve poverty - empowering families through community development programs and loans as small as $100 (microfinance) to help them grow their own small business. Currently our work focuses on helping people like you reach out to families in India, Indonesia, the Philippines, China and Ghana. Because we provide a hand up not a hand out, the work we do is sustainable - 97% of the small loans we help provide are repaid and then lent out again, meaning that your support keeps working over time, helping more and more families start small businesses and leave poverty behind. Each successful business can feed a family, employ more people and even help empower a whole community. Opportunity International Australia exists as part of the broader Opportunity International Network - a global network of support members who operate through local microfinance institutions in more than 20 countries around the world. Thanks to your support, we are able to help millions of families and whole communities make their way out of poverty.

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